Steve McKeeverRichard CrossJim CarpenterMichael MoranBrad GeghanAlice PankeyBecky HartmanAngie Maglicic
812 Gold Run790 Gold Run1231 Gold Run108 New England50 White CloudThe Storage Works, SaginawAnthem EstatesStone Meadow AdditionHuie Addition
Designed in two phases for a total of 188 lots on a 42-acre Fort Worth tract of land. 77 lots are sold. The 111 remaining lots are under contract to a production builder to sell over the next few years. McKeever Companies was responsible for the planning, design, annexation and construction of the development.
"The reporting was timely and Steve was always available to discuss the deal." - Scott Haire
"The reporting was timely and Steve was always available to discuss the deal." - Scott Haire